Corridor Cleanup Spring 2024 - W Locust, I-280 to Wisconsin | March 23, 2024

Event Date
Saturday - 03/23/2024
Start Time
8 AM
End Time
11 AM
Event Description

Spring often reveals gateways littered with debris left behind by strong winter winds and snow. Please help us make our community shine while picking up litter and demonstrating stewardship of our community’s natural resources. Our volunteers have a blast cleaning up in all weather conditions and leave with a sense of pride and satisfaction knowing they have beautified the City we live in while also preventing water pollution.

Who can Participate? This opportunity is open to anyone interested in beautifying Davenport and protecting the health of our local waterways. No previous experience is necessary. Individuals 17 and under must have adult supervision.
Description of Project: Volunteers will be picking up litter along major corridors throughout the City. Litter pickup consists of walking, bending and placing wastes in a bag for disposal and carries little hazard. This activity will take place in the boulevards of highly trafficked areas. Volunteers will receive safety instruction and safety vests prior to the cleanup. Due to proximity of traffic, some areas may not be suitable for younger children.

Citizen Science. Those interested in collecting data as part of an initiative to reduce marine debris, pollution of the Mississippi and our waterways, will be welcomed and encouraged to track debris as we clean these corridors. Details can be found at

Weather? Weather is very variable in March. It could be a sunny day with a high of 50, or a day with rain sprinkles around 35. Past volunteers have enjoyed the cleanup and the challenge of all weather conditions. Because of difficulties associated with canceling and rescheduling, we will clear litter in light rain and low temperatures; however, it may end earlier for volunteer comfort. We will only cancel if there is a chance for significant rain, snow, high winds, or threat of lightening. Just remember to dress for conditions.

Follow-up with all registered volunteers will occur on the Wednesday before the cleanup as a reminder and heads up regarding any weather impacts.

5127 Locust St, Davenport, IA
Event type
Litter Cleanup
Meet Up Location
Gather in the parking lot of Vietnamese Baptist Church (5127 Locust St, Davenport, IA).
Registration for event