Xstream Cleanup - Last Stop: The Ocean | Duck Creek @ Fairmount | October 15, 2022

Event Date
Saturday - 10/15/2022
Start Time
End Time
Event Description

Help us prevent litter from entering our waterways as part of the marine litter and data collection event. You can make a big impact in our community in just a short time. 

As part of this event, volunteers will pick up litter along the creek and use the Marine Debris Tracker App. 

Here's what you need to know:

How will I be tracking Marine Litter?  Training on how to use the app will be provided when you arrive the day of the event. Please download the Marine Debris Tracker  App in advance by visiting the APPLE App Store | ANDROID Google Play

Are Bags and Gloves Provided? Yes 

Weather? Dress for weather and plan to get dirty. We will only cancel if there is a chance for significant rain, high winds or threat of lightening. Alternate opportunities to participate will be emailed should the event be cancelled to registered volunteers.

Refreshments? Please bring your own beverage or snack as desired. We will have a water cooler available for those in need of a water refill. Part of this project is to raise awareness of the environmental impact of single use plastics. 

Who can Participate? This opportunity is open to anyone interested in beautifying Davenport and protecting the health of our local waterways. No previous experience is necessary. Individuals 17 and under must have adult supervision. 

Description of Project: Volunteers will be picking up litter and entering it using the  Marine Debris Tracker  App. Litter pickup consists of walking, bending and placing wastes in a bag for disposal and carries little hazard. 

Anything Else I Should Know? Absolutely. Your invited to stop by the Freight House Farmer's Market after the cleanup to learn more about the project, hear from local Mayor's and find out about the waste sort. Participation in this event will not only have a positive impact in the Quad Cities, but globally.

The project is part of a three country Marine Litter Project! Check out the City of Davenport's information about the local project that installed litter traps right here in Davenport along with Mexico and Canada, and is being conducted in coordination with the Commission for Environmental Cooperation, the EPA, Xstream Cleanup and the Mississippi River Cities and Towns Initiative. The litter and data we collect can help us better understand the worst problems in our area, and zero in on the source of the pollution to create more intelligent waste reduction programs in the future. Our goal is to do a better job of prevention so future generations will have less picking up to do. 

3000 N Fairmount St, Davenport, IA 52804
Event type
Light Duty Cleanup
Meet Up Location
Volunteers for this area will meet at Fairmount Library.
Registration for event